Wisconsin Drunk Driving
Accident Attorneys
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Wisconsin Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys & Law Firms near me. Detailed lawyer profiles include phone number, contact form, website, and address.
Call 800-672-3103 to set up a Free Consultation. Our OWI injury lawyers in Wisconsin represent plaintiffs who were injured by a drunk driver or someone driving under the influence.
Each year, hundreds of accidents and deaths are caused by motorists driving under the influence in Wisconsin. The vast majority of these drivers were operating their vehicles well over the legal limit of 0.08 percent blood alcohol concentration (BAC). The penalties for driving while intoxicated are severe, but punishment is much worse when the OWI results in an accident causing bodily harm.
If you were arrested for causing an OWI crash, you are in need of legal counsel as quickly as possible and we are here to provide it. Our site features access to some of the best-drunk driving accident lawyers in Wisconsin who will take on your case and protect your rights. Just browse through our site to learn more about the top attorneys in your area, including their firm information, education, background, and case experience. Finding skilled legal representation should never be difficult, so we try to make it as simple as possible for you to connect with your ideal lawyer.
We also provide access to legal counsel for those who were injured in a drunk driving accident or who lost a loved one because of a drunk driver’s actions. Our OWI accident attorneys in Wisconsin can help you obtain compensation for your pain and suffering and will not rest until you obtain justice.
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